Saturday, May 19, 2018

Still alive!

Well, apparently we bypassed spring and went straight to summer. Blizzard one week, 85 degrees the next. Hokay then! Ma Nature is off her meds and off her rocker.

I’ve been remiss about posting. I’ve been doing adulty things that you’re forced to do when you’re a homeowner. Haha. I actually am a nerd and enjoy chores. I was gifted an electric lawn mower by my brother’s neighbor*

*by gifted, I mean he bought it. Used it twice and then they moved and left it behind. My sister in law waited 6 hours to make sure they weren’t coming back for it (it was sitting in their driveway). She then asked me if I wanted it since she knew I was looking for one. It works pretty great. All I had to do was get the hang of mowing from the house out to reduce chances of running over the cord. I feel like vacuuming has prepared me for this. Rocked it. 

Working on beginning the landscaping of my yard. Got rocks for the underside of my deck. That’ll go in either tomorrow or next weekend. It was wayyyy too windy today to try to wrestle with landscaping fabric. I would have ended up a kite. 

I started a new schedule at work for the next 6 months which means I’ll be barn bound in the mornings. Keep posted for progress pics and video! Miss Vienna is almost as excited as I am to start regular works. But I feel like I blinked and she grew up. She’s no longer my dewy-faced baby horse. Oh, who am I kidding, she’ll always be my baby horse. She’s just now my pretty mare that I refer to as baby horse. 

😭 Stop growing up so fast!! 

Reggie turned 15 on the 11th which makes me feel positively ancient. He was just a gangly foal yesterday!! Rose will be 22 on Monday... Alright, I’ve got to pull myself together and come to terms with my aging furbys. I promise I’ll be back soon with the updates. 

A New Feeling

My heart is so full. ❤️ The trip to Syracuse went better than I ever imagined. When my plane landed, I was exhausted. My journey was sup...